Had this poem knocking around my head for a while. Not sure if it’s finished yet. I think it is. (But feel free to suggest some more verses.)
What if
What if Cif was Jif?
What if Olay was Ulay?
What if Morrisons was Safeway?
What if C was still &A?
What if Treets were still sweets?
What's with Immac and Veet?
What if Fruits were still Opal?
Whither Constantinople?
Wasn't there a shop once
called What Everyone Wants?
Where did everyone go?
How come Do It All don't?
What if Liptons lived on?
Where's Radion gone?
Why did Boo take a bow?
Where's our Principles now?
What of Kwiksave and Cullens
and Dolcis and Dillons?
And Marathon bars?
Is Our Price still ours?
Why did Rumbelows close?
What if nobody knows?
Thanks to Paolo Margari for the pic.